Role based pricing for woocommerce

Role based pricing for woocommerce

Introducing “Tailored Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce”

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, flexibility is the key to thriving in a competitive marketplace. Meet Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce, the WooCommerce plugin that puts you in the driver’s seat of your pricing strategy. As the mastermind behind this game-changing tool, I’m thrilled to introduce Role-Based Pricing for WooCommerce and its remarkable features:

Feature list of plugin:

Customized Pricing

With Role-Based Pricing for WooCommerce Pro, you gain the power to adjust pricing on an individual basis for customers and user roles. Tailor your product prices to meet the unique demands of your audience.

Fixed or Dynamic Pricing

Set fixed product prices, or dynamically adjust pricing by a fixed or percentage amount to optimize your revenue strategy.

Product-Level Control

Change prices at the product level, offering a granular approach to pricing for your entire inventory.

Bulk Pricing Rules

Add rules to change prices in bulk for specific products or categories, streamlining the management of your pricing structure.

Variation Compatibility

Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce Pro seamlessly supports product variations, allowing you to implement role-based pricing with ease, even for complex products.

Quantity Thresholds

Establish minimum and maximum order quantities, ensuring that your pricing strategy aligns with order volume.

Simplified Price Increase

When increasing a product’s price, effortlessly replace the original price, creating a transparent shopping experience for your customers.

Highlight Discounts

Strikethrough the old price and showcase the new price as a special deal, catching your customers’ attention and boosting conversions.

Time-Sensitive Offers

Configure start and end dates for each price rule, enabling you to run limited-time promotions with ease.

Role-Based Price Display

Customize the shopping experience by hiding prices and the “Add to Cart” button for non-logged-in users or specific user roles. Replace prices with custom text for a personalized touch.

New Call-to-Action

Substitute the standard “Add to Cart” button with a new custom button and link, shaping the user journey to match your branding and goals.

Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce Pro empowers you to tailor your pricing strategy, engage your audience, and stand out in the competitive world of e-commerce. With this versatile WooCommerce plugin, your pricing becomes a strategic asset, driving sales and enhancing your brand’s appeal. Elevate your WooCommerce store with Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce Pro and experience the difference in your pricing strategy today.

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